‘From Europe to Mars’
A tutored beer tasting and discussion from the team behind the world-renowned Sheffield brewery, ‘Saint Mars of the Desert,’ (SMOD), beer experts and multi-award winners: Dann Paquette and Martha Holley.
Saturday 21st October 2023: 16:00-17:00
This event is part of the Sheffield CAMRA Steel City Beer Festival 2023 (SCBF47).
You will be: • introduced to two European favourites and the SMOD beers they have inspired. • provided with 1/3 pint of each beer, plus water and water biscuits.
After seven successful years managing the ‘Pretty Things Beer and Ale Project,’ in Boston, Massachusetts (established 2008), Dann and Martha spent two years travelling. In 2018, they relocated to the best beer city in the world, Sheffield, and, in deepest Attercliffe, established SMOD.
Their aim is to ‘brew adventurous beers for interesting people.’ In this, they have succeeded: their ‘Secret World,’ is hidden behind old industrial units in a currently unfashionable part of the city. Here an exciting range of beers are produced and may be sampled in their taproom. On RateBeer, in 2020, they were named as amongst the top ten new breweries in the world.
SMOD draw their brewing inspiration from many sources, from traditional 19th century recipes to the bright, vibrantly hoppy beers of New England. Their greatest influence is possibly the Belgian monastic style. ‘From Europe to Mars’ is part of the 2023 Sheffield Steel City Beer Festival. There is an extra charge of £9.95 per person.
This event will take place in the Power Room: over the bridge from the Upper Hall, then turn left.
You will need to enter the Beer Festival in advance of the tutored tasting. This entry will incur the normal Beer Festival admission fee: non-CAMRA members: £19.00 - CAMRA members: £15.00 (entry includes £10.00 beer tokens and £3.00 glass deposit)